Big Rapids Chess

Our goal is to promote chess in the Big Rapids area by creating a safe environment where members, regardless of experience or identity, can meet to learn about and play chess on a regular basis.

Big Rapids Chess Bylaws

The following is a draft copy of the proposed bylaws.

Article I - Name

Section 1: The name of the club shall be “Big Rapids Chess”.

Article II - Purpose

Section 1: The purpose of Big Rapids Chess is to promote chess in the Big Rapids area by creating a safe environment where members, regardless of experience or identity, can meet to learn about and play chess on a regular basis.

Article III - Affiliation

Section 1: Big Rapids Chess shall be affiliated with the United States Chess Federation (USCF).

Article IV - Not for Profit

Section 1: Big Rapids Chess shall not be operated for profit. No part of its dues, contributions, assets or net income shall benefit any individual. Cash prizes, trophies, or other awards for chess events shall not be considered benefits under this article.

Article V - Membership

Section 1: Big Rapids Chess membership is open to all interested people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, social class, national origin, political beliefs, or membership in the USCF subject to any qualifications (such as dues, entry fees and participation) required by the club officers.

Section 2: There shall be four types of membership in Big Rapids Chess - regular members, senior members, junior members, and associate members.

Section 3: Regular members

  1. Shall be between the ages of 18 and 64 years old, inclusively
  2. Shall pay dues as established by the Big Rapids Chess board
  3. Shall be eligible to vote at membership meetings
  4. May hold any of Big Rapids Chess board offices
  5. May participate in all Big Rapids Chess functions contingent upon payment of any associated fees

Section 4: Senior members

  1. Shall be over the age of 64 years old
  2. Shall pay dues as established by the Big Rapids Chess board
  3. Shall be eligible to vote at membership meetings
  4. May hold any of the Big Rapids Chess board offices
  5. May participate in all Big Rapids Chess functions contingent upon payment of any associated fees

Section 5: Junior members

  1. Shall be under the age of 18 years old
  2. Shall pay dues as established by the Big Rapids Chess board
  3. Shall be eligible to vote at membership meetings
  4. May hold any of the Big Rapids Chess board offices other than President, Vice President, or Treasurer
  5. May participate in all Big Rapids Chess functions contingent upon payment of any associated fees

Section 6: Associate members

  1. May be of any age
  2. Are not required to pay dues
  3. Are not eligible to vote at membership meetings
  4. May not hold any of the Big Rapids Chess board offices
  5. May participate in all Big Rapids Chess functions contingent upon payment of any associated fees

Section 7: Regular, senior, or junior members that fail to pay the annual Big Rapids Chess dues will be converted to associate memberships.

Article VI - Officers

Section 1: The officers of the Big Rapids Chess board shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer, Communications Director, Scholastic Chess Director, and Collegiate Chess Director.

Section 2: The officers shall have the right to censure, suspend or expel a member for conduct unacceptable to the Big Rapids Chess board. Any permanent action taken against a member requires a simple majority vote by the officers.

Section 3: Duties of the President include:

  1. Presiding over activities of the club except as otherwise provided in the bylaws.
  2. Monitoring and assisting other officers in carrying out their respective duties.
  3. Appointing assistants or committees as needed to perform special tasks.
  4. Receiving and answering all club correspondence.
  5. Ensuring that the purpose of the club is fulfilled.

Section 4: Duties of the Vice President include:

  1. Fulfilling the duties of the President if he/she becomes unable or unwilling to perform their duties.
  2. Acting as President-Elect for the next year.
  3. Recording and maintaining club membership information.
  4. Performing other duties as assigned by the President.

Section 5: Duties of the Treasurer include:

  1. Maintaining records of all club income and expenses.
  2. Collecting and recording all dues and fees at club events.
  3. Making all disbursements authorized by the officers.
  4. Performing duties of the President in cases where both the President and the Vice President are unable or unwilling to perform their duties.
  5. Performing other duties assigned by the President.

Section 6: Duties of the Communications Director include:

  1. Recording minutes for all official Big Rapids Chess board meetings.
  2. Recording and maintaining club bylaws and other documentation.
  3. Maintaining the various social media accounts of the club, including but not limited to the club Facebook page and the club Twitter feed, and the website.
  4. Organizing and carrying out community service and other outreach events as so agreed upon by the board.
  5. Performing duties of the President in cases where the President, Vice President,and Treasurer are unable or unwilling to perform their duties.
  6. Performing other duties assigned by the President.

Section 7: Duties of the Scholastic Director include:

  1. Presiding over activities of the club involving junior members.
  2. Monitoring and maintaining the club Chess Kids account.
  3. Communicating regularly with junior members and their parents.
  4. Overseeing junior member tournaments as TD, both face-to-face and online.

Section 8: Duties of the Collegiate Director include:

  1. Acting as the faculty advisor for the chess Registered Student Organization at Ferris.
  2. Presiding over activities of the club involving Ferris State University members.
  3. Monitoring and maintaining the club Lichess account.
  4. Communicating regularly with student members.
  5. Overseeing collegiate member tournaments as TD, both face-to-face and online.

Article VII - Elections

Section 1: Voting membership includes all junior, regular, and senior members that have paid their dues for the current year.

Section 2: The current Vice President becomes the sitting President in the following club year.

Section 3: Voting members may nominate themselves or other eligable members for the positions of Vice President, Treasurer, Communication Director, Scholastic Director, and Collegiate Director.

Section 4: The President, Vice President, and Treasurer must be either a regular or senior member.

Section 5: A electronic ballot of all valid nominations will be distributed to all voting members for a period of one week.

Section 6: Tied elections for any position will be resolved with an electronic run-off election.

Section 7: Elections shall take place during the first week of January each year.

Section 8: The terms of office are for one year and may are renewable.

Article VIII - Club Functions

Section 1: All club functions must be approved by the board.

Section 2: All club functions must be supervised and directed by a member of the board, or a person that the board has authorized.

Section 3: All club functions should be publicized online or in other media for at least one week beforehand.

Section 4: All club functions should be open for all participants, subject to payment of any requisite dues or fees, and other membership requirements.

Section 5: All USCF-rated functions should be published in Chess Life whenever possible.

Article IX - Dissolution

Section 1: Big Rapids Chess may be dissolved with the unanimous approval of the club officers and a two-thirds majority vote by the club membership.

Section 2: In the event of dissolution the net assets of the club shall be distributed as follows:

  1. All liabilities and obligations shall be paid, satisfied, and discharged or adequate provisions shall be made thereof.
  2. All remaining assets shall be distributed back to the club membership as deemed appropriate by the officers.

Article X - Amendments

Section 1: These Bylaws may be ratified or amended at any time by a majority vote of the club officers.