Big Rapids Chess

Our goal is to promote chess in the Big Rapids area by creating a safe environment where members, regardless of experience or identity, can meet to learn about and play chess on a regular basis.

About Us

Our mission

The purpose of Big Rapids Chess is to promote chess in the Big Rapids area by creating a safe environment where members can meet to learn about and play chess on a regular basis. This group is not for profit; no part of any dues, contributions, assets or net income shall benefit any individual.

Big Rapids Chess membership is open to all interested people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, social class, national origin, political beliefs, or membership in the USCF subject to any qualifications (such as dues, entry fees and participation) required for specific events.

Meeting places and times

Beginning October 16, 2019, Big Rapids Chess will meet weekly. We meet on campus at Ferris State University in the University Center near the Starbucks on Wednesdays from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. We also meet at the Big Rapids Community Library in the Community room on Thursdays from 5:00 to 7:00 pm.


We are now an official affiliate of the United States Chess Federation. That designation allows us to host rated games and tournaments in Big Rapids. We will also coordinate efforts with our state affiliate, the Michigan Chess Association. Our members are encouraged to join both of these groups. That will allow you to play in all the rated tournaments in the state, and across the country if you wish.

Collegiate chess

We already meet informally on the campus of Ferris State University. However, it is our ultimate goal to establish a Registered Student Organization on campus. This RSO would be a student-led branch of the Big Rapis Chess club.

Scholastic chess

We anticipate that many young players may be interested in participating in this group. If enough junior members are interested, we may develop a scholastic branch of the club that is dedicated to teaching chess basics and providing safe opportunities to play both face-to-face and online chess games.

Club bylaws

As for now, the club is still in its infancy and organization is rather loose. Once membership grows to more than about a dozen or so regularly attending members, we will adopt specific bylaws and formalize the group’s leadership. A draft copy of the bylaws is currently under development.